

An Overview of the Epigenetic Modifications in the Brain under Normal and Pathological Conditions

Epigenetic changes are changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence. These changes lead to establishing a so-called epigenetic code that dictates which and when genes are activated, thus orchestrating gene regulation and playing a central role in development, health, and disease. The brain, being mostly formed by cells that do not undergo a renewal process...
1 month ago


Awareness of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in central Israel

The article "Awareness of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in central Israel" examines the recognition and diagnosis of BPPV among healthcare providers. Despite the high frequency of BPPV and the availability of effective treatment, the condition remains under-recognized, leading to unnecessary diagnostic tests and delays in appropriate care.


Outcome of MRSA carriers in neurological early rehabilitation

The article "Outcome of MRSA carriers in neurological early rehabilitation" examines the impact of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization on patients undergoing early neurological rehabilitation. The study found that MRSA carriers had significantly longer lengths of stay, worse functional status upon admission, and poorer outcomes compared to MRSA-negative pati...
3 months ago


Primary lateral sclerosis plus parkinsonism: a case report

AbstractBackgroundThe standard of diagnosing primary lateral sclerosis, the Pringle criteria, requires three years of purely upper motor neuron symptom presentation before confirming diagnosis. This classic standard has been questioned on occasion due to its restrictive range of both time period and symptomatic exhibition.
3 months ago


Expanding medical student interaction in neurology with a redesigned student interest group in neurology (sign) chapter

Abstract Background Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) chapters across the medical schools in the United States provide opportunities for medical students to participate in clinical, research, and service activities in neurology. Despite these, applicants for the field of neurology have tr...
3 months ago


Controversies in Neurology: why monoamine oxidase B inhibitors could be a good choice for the initial treatment of Parkinson's disease

The article "Controversies in Neurology: why monoamine oxidase B inhibitors could be a good choice for the initial treatment of Parkinson's disease" examines the potential benefits of initiating treatment with monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitors in early-stage Parkinson's disease (PD). The authors discuss the favorable safety profile and possible neuroprotective effects of MAO-B inhibitors, ...
3 months ago


Prevalence of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients in two neurology referral hospitals in Ethiopia

The article "Prevalence of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients in two neurology referral hospitals in Ethiopia" investigates the prevalence of sleep disorders among Parkinson's disease (PD) patients in Ethiopia. The study found that all 155 surveyed patients reported some form of sleep problem, with over 43.9% scoring above 18 on the Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale (PDSS-2), indic...
3 months ago


Synesthesia and Migraine: Case Report

The article "Synesthesia and Migraine: Case Report" presents a unique case of a 40-year-old woman with a cyclic mood disorder who experienced synesthetic sensations exclusively during visual migraine auras. Specifically, she reported an intense taste of lemon accompanied by salivation when staring at bright light during the aura phase. This case supports the hypothesis of anomalous cortical pro...
3 months ago


Methodological quality of guidelines for management of Lyme neuroborreliosis

Key Questions about Lyme Neuroborreliosis Management Guidelines

The article "Methodological quality of guidelines for management of Lyme neuroborreliosis" evaluates the quality of existing guidelines for managing Lyme neuroborreliosis (LN...
3 months ago


Neuroinflammation and Brain Disease


Starting from the perspective of an immune-privileged site, our knowledge of the inflammatory processes within the central nervous system has increased rapidly over the last 30 years, leading to a rather puzzling picture today. Of particular interest is the emergence of disease- and injury-specific inflammatory responses within t...
3 months ago

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